2016 Gastrosophicum – The Internet of Food 4.0
BETRAND was part of this year’s Gastrosophicum in EFERDING, Upper Austria and there was served the special menu in combination (as per request) with bread and butter to set the scene: “possibly opti-meal-ized data carriers”
The change in diet comes either way. Only which and with which philosophy? The International Gastrosophy Forum has resolved for the 2016 Gastrophicum to explore the change in diet 4.0. Because everything that is currently developing under the trending terms Internet 4.0 and smart apps could make a future Internet of food with its bits and bites tasty to us.
Within the 2016 Gastrosophicum, Bertrand was tied up in the podium discussion “Bits and bites. How does the future taste?” among others with the well-known food trend researcher Hanni Rützler, the innovative food technology scientist Otmar Höglinger, and the philosopher and director of the International Gastrosophy Forum, Harald Lemke.
On the picture: Prof. Dr. Harald Lemke (leader of the IGF – International Gastrosophy Forum) leads Bertrand to the podium.