Here you will find information on the shipper sending the goods, the associated shipping costs, and whenever available the expected delivery periods. Shipping costs vary with package weight and are assessed during the order process. Please feel free to contact us should you have additional questions. Alternatively you can use shipping calculator for the estimate.
Customers who order our bags for the first time will receive our high quality shaker free of charge and automatically included.
Category | Countries | Delivery costs | Carrier | Note / Duration |
Standard European Union Switzerland | The European Union (EU) Switzerland | Delivery free of charge | UPS DHL (delivered by the national post) | EU-Countries and Switzerland: 2-5 working days. |
Standard Europe - non EU | Norway, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Liechtenstein, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Georgia | see calculator | DHL (delivered by the national post) | The average delivery period is 10 working days. In some cases customs clearance may take several weeks |
Standard USA and Canada | USA Canada | see calculator | USPS Canada Post | The average delivery period is 10 working days. In some cases customs clearance may take several weeks |
Standard International | All other countries | see calculator | DHL (delivered by the national post) | The average delivery period is 10 working days. In some cases customs clearance may take several weeks |
We are currently not able to deliver to the following countries: Afghanistan, Mexico, North Korea, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Syrian Arab Republic, Chile and Libyan Arab Jamahiriya