Martins second run in Paderborn

Sieger Robiel Weldemichael // © Frank Beineke – Neue Westfälische Zeitung
The 2nd Paderborn Martinslauf took place last Friday in Paderborn and we once again took the opportunity to provide healthy vitamins and minerals to the finishers
1,400 athletes enjoyed the challenging circuit through the center of Paderborn, which had a very special running atmosphere, as some sections of the track were artistically illuminated by local art students. Robiel Weldemichael (cover picture) shot like a flash to the front right at the beginning. The 25-year-old exceptional athlete repeated his 10-kilometer win in the previous year and won confidently in 31:15 minutes.
We were able to distribute a total of 1,500 complimentary meals to the athletes and visiting spectators. This year we introduced our BERTRAND bottle for the first time. In this bottle, which covers 1/4 of the daily requirements of the daily recommended nutrients, we do not rely on simple rotproof PET bottles, but on a plastic that is made of vegetable starch and is completely biodegradable. Our Green-Bottle is currently available as a prototype only for German-speaking customers. More information here (German page): BERTRAND – Green Bottle